This gallery represents pieces that I have been inspired to interpret for my own pleasure, or were presented to me as commissions and have become favorites. Each is available to purchase on commission. Please contact me for information. Personalization is encouraged!

Fish Alphabet
Oh, what incredible fun it was to find my way to this design! Yes, this is an alphabet! In the late 19th and early 20th century, playful penmen would often utilize their flourishes for illustrative purposes. Fish were a common subject. With that in mind, I set out to create a school of 26 fish; after many attempts, I am delighted with this fishy representation of my favorite 26 symbols. A discretely-situated touch of gold leaf defines each fish's eye and adds a wonderful shimmer to this watercolor piece.
Art measures 9" X 12" $400.00

Light — Rabindranath Tagore
Visit this link to more easily read this beautiful poem: Light. I have a hard time breaking away from legibility, but when words inspire me in those directions, I gladly go along for the calligraphic adventure. The process of measuring this entire piece to fit in a balanced way was a challenge, indeed! An ever-changing palette of gouache provides wonderful opacity on this deep black Arches cotton paper.
Art measures 11" X 11" $400.00

Sleeping in the Forest — Mary Oliver
I first read Sleeping in the Forest just weeks after having slept in the forest for four and a half months, as Julie and I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. I found the poem captured so beautifully what I could not find the words for—I guess that's why she's the poet and I am the calligrapher.
Art measures 11" X 11" $500.00

500 Miles — The Proclaimers
A long-time fan of the Proclaimers, this song has always been a favorite. Another of my 'Haystacks" series, I have interpreted this song in several ways. I created this piece for my wife, Julie, just before we set out on a 2,650 mile walk along the Pacific Crest Trail. The contagious rhythm of this song was inspirational in its layout and selection of hands. Gouache and gold leaf on 140# watercolor Paper.
Measures 11" X 17" $250.00

Affirmation Prayer
These words, encompassing all the forces of nature and heaven, are written out in a flourished, yet strong celtic-inspired hand. And, what kind of a prayer would this be without a nice touch of gold leaf? Measures 10" X 16" $250.00

Sea Call - Margaret Widdemer
The ocean has had a tremendous pull on me — as the moon pulls the tides, you might say. After the end of a particularly long stretch away from the sea, I came upon Sea Call, by Margaret Widdemer. With the eloquence of early twentieth century American poetry, she describes my feelings precisely. I strove for a texture resembling sun-speckled water on a breezy day by using transparent watercolors and overlapping lines. Art measures 26" X 4" $250.00

Beautiful Proud Sea - Sara Teasdale
I have been an admirer of paintings of the sea for most of my life. When I first read these words, I felt as though Sara Teasdale captured the words that so many of those seascapes want to say. This poem, after having read it for 30+years, still makes me stop in my tracks and see that wave rolling in, not breaking, but about to break. Gouache, torn paper.
Measures 14" X 14" $400.00

They Who Possess the Sea — Marguerite janvrin Adams
I cannot find much in regard to a biography on Marguerite Adams, but it is certain that she possesses the sea within her blood. I cannot recall a more complete, internal description of the effects that the sea can have on someone. Its pure strength reminded me of Poseidon himself, so I utilized a similarly strong hand in my selection of blackletter. The movement of the sea is reflected through the use of flourishes and an ever-changing palette of blues and greens. Gouache on Canson Ingres Paper. Art measures 15" X 9" $350.00

Hope is the The Thing with Feathers 1 - Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson's wonderful, metaphorical and well-crafted poetry makes her an all-time favorite American Poet. I have no favorite, as she has written so much, but I find this piece wonderfully inspirational. While I often experiment in many directions when approaching a new piece, this 19th century-inspired Spencerian script, and its accompanying offhand flourishing almost leapt onto my page! This is a delicately written and illustrated piece. Art measures 6" X 9" $200.00

Voyage — Peter Hamilton
I love an adventure, and this piece eloquently states how those adventures begin. I also have a great interest in compass roses. Between the two, this piece pulls together very nicely and is a favorite of sailors and adventurers of all stripes! Watercolor and gouache on Arches 140# hotpress paper.
Art measures 12" X 12" 64pt compass: $350.00 32 pt compass $275.00

Hope is the Thing with Feathers 2 - Emily Dickinson
Sometimes, I take to a certain piece and feel compelled to interpret it in several ways. I call these pieces my "haystacks" as in Monet's more than 25 interpretations of a single subject. This version of "Hope is the Thing with Feathers" puts the reader in the clearing sky, the floating feather suggesting the presence of our bird of hope. Watercolor and gouache.
Art measures approx 8" X 12" $150.00

Why I Wake Early - Mary Oliver
Upon being introduced to the work of Mary Oliver, I immediately felt I had found a kindred spirit. Apparently, I am not alone—she is, understandably, America's top-selling poet. This is the second of her poems that I put to calligraphic interpretation. I find this to be a beautiful prayer to begin the day. Ms. Oliver managed to lighten things up by inserting a slight dig at a personal friend of hers in the middle of the poem. I chose an easy, flowing script hand, inspired by the gentle rhythm of the poem, and created a palette of colors to represent the early morning sky. Art measures 9" X 9" $250.00

Apache Wedding Prayer
This beautifully-worded prayer has spoken to the hearts of newlyweds for generations. I had a wonderful time painting this Apache-inspired border, and I chose a simple and strong Roman hand for the calligraphy. A dash of gold leaf between each sentence adds a touch of sparkle to this piece.
Measures 12" X 12" $300.00

Excerpt from James Michener's Alaska
I am putting this piece in the gallery because I was so pleased with the final outcome. My client had asked that the painting capture lots of elements representing this epic novel, in one very small image. I found painting in monochrome rather fun! Art measures approx. 7" X 9" NFS

Forest Wilderness - John Muir
This piece is a map, of sorts. The watercolor wash along the lower half of the piece represents the elevations along the Pacific Crest Trail, from Mexico on the left to Canada on the right. The vertically aligned words along the top list 80 relatively equidistant places where we stopped during our hike. "The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness" - John Muir.
Available to fellow PCT hikers—with your personal selection of 80 significant sights/stops along the way! $250.00

Once by the Pacific by Robert Frost
When challenged by the DeYoung Musuem’s call for entries to local artists to produce a piece which represented “The Edge,” I found myself once again trying to interpret Robert Frost’s poem, Once by the Pacific. This piece touches upon the edge of the continent as well as the edge of climate destruction. Acyrlic on wood panel. 18” X 36”